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Středa, 19 února, 2025
- Reklama -časopis


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Slovenská pošta zruší 300 pobočiek.

Česká pošta zruší 300 svojich pobočiek. V obciach, kde sídli len jedna pobočka, by k obmedzeniu dôjsť nemalo. Pozrite sa na zoznam miest, kam...

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Kedy môžu agentúrni zamestnanci dostávať za rovnakú prácu nižšiu odmenu ako kmeňoví zamestnanci firmy?

Agentúrni zamestnanci majú mať porovnateľné podmienky ako kmeňoví zamestnanci, najmä mzdové. Český súd však nedávno pripustil ich znevýhodnenie s ohľadom na ich „nezapracovanosť“ a...

Goodbye, Hello bánk! a Cetelem. Koniec snov o digitálnej banke.

Hello bánk!, resp. Cetelom v Česku a Slovensku skončí. Rozhodla o tom jej materská spoločnosť, francúzska BNP Paribas. Ide už len o to, kedy...

More than 600,000 hectares have been burned by wildfires in recent weeks across Argentina

Dyson has announced its most unusual product yet; a wearable air purifier with a pair of noise-cancelling headphones built in. An initial reveal of the...

Rich nations must find the money to protect people from the impacts of climate change

Dyson has announced its most unusual product yet; a wearable air purifier with a pair of noise-cancelling headphones built in. An initial reveal of the...

Queensland Reconstruction Authority show the rapid rise and slow draining of severe floods

Dyson has announced its most unusual product yet; a wearable air purifier with a pair of noise-cancelling headphones built in. An initial reveal of the...

Energy bills are soaring because of rising gas prices and Ukraine’s war with Russia

Dyson has announced its most unusual product yet; a wearable air purifier with a pair of noise-cancelling headphones built in. An initial reveal of the...

Boris Johnson rips up climate rulebook as he moves to replace Russian supply of oil and gas

Dyson has announced its most unusual product yet; a wearable air purifier with a pair of noise-cancelling headphones built in. An initial reveal of the...

Warmer weather wreaks havoc with hay fever symptoms as tree pollen spikes, new researches

Dyson has announced its most unusual product yet; a wearable air purifier with a pair of noise-cancelling headphones built in. An initial reveal of the...
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